Permanent Supportive Housing

Permanent supportive housing is a proven solution to homelessness for the most vulnerable chronically homeless people. It pairs housing with case management and supportive services.

What Is Permanent Supportive Housing?

Permanent supportive housing is an intervention that combines affordable housing assistance with voluntary support services to address the needs of chronically homeless people. The services are designed to build independent living and tenancy skills and connect people with community-based health care, treatment and employment services.

How Permanent Supportive Housing Can End Chronic Homelessness

Investments in permanent supportive housing have historically helped decrease the numbers of individuals experiencing chronic homelessness. In addition to ending homelessness for people who are chronically homeless, research has demonstrated that permanent supportive housing can increase housing stability and improve health.

Permanent supportive housing is a cost-effective solution, shown to lower public costs associated with the use of crisis services such as shelters, hospitals, jails and prisons.

The Solution to Homelessness is Simple

Make Sure Everyone has a Home.

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