The Association of Centers for the Study of Congress

This script outlines the questions asked by Senator Thomas Dodd (D-CT) when interviewing Esther Peterson on the Connecticut Radio-TV Program. Peterson was the Assistant Secretary of Labor and the first Chairman of the first President's Committee on Consumer Interests. The interview focused on the Truth-in-Packaging bill.

A telegram urging the senator's opposition to the bill because package standardization "would stifle innovation and cause large and unnecessary increases in the production cost and consumer prices of foods."

A company that manufactures food packaging opposes changes to regulations on printed designations of weight and the use of images on food packages.

This memorandum briefed Representative Harley O. Staggers (D-WV) on an upcoming meeting with Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission, Paul Dixon, about cigarette labeling and advertising.

This copy of S. 985, the "Fair Packaging and Labeling Act," includes the committee revisions made by the Senate. Overall, the Act established regulations to make price comparisons easier among product labels.

In this letter, Senator Warren G. Magnuson (D-WA) writes to Representative Harley O. Staggers (D-WV) about a revised version of the Senate's Fair Packaging Legislation and suggests that Staggers may want to introduce the bill in the House.

Letter urging support of the bill without amendment or reconsideration to provide consumer protections against "unfair and deceptive packaging practices"

This script outlines the questions asked by Senator Thomas Dodd (D-CT) when interviewing Senator Philip Hart (D-MI) on the Connecticut Radio-TV Program. Senator Hart was involvement with the Truth-in-Packaging bill was discussed in this interview.

On June 9, 1966, Senator Thomas Dodd (D-CT) spoke in support of the Truth-in-Packaging bill.

This committee print of H.R. 15440, the "Fair Packaging and Labeling Act," includes annotations and notes that mark the differences between the bill and S. 985.

In this statement, Representative Harley O. Staggers (D-WV) explains that the purpose of the Truth in Packaging legislation, H.R. 15440, is to reduce confusion at the market place and facilitate easier price comparisons.

In the article titled "Packaging: Modified legislation near on consumer protection", The Christian Science Monitor reported that packaging legislation would likely be passed in the current legislative session and explained some of the newly proposed mechanisms for regulation.

This set of documents includes a transcript of the testimony from Mr. Riepma, President of the National Association of Margarine Manufacturers, stating that his organization opposes the packaging law, and subsequent correspondence with Representative Harley O. Staggers (D-WV).

This poll is based on Section 5(d) of the Truth-in-Packaging legislation and shows which congressmen supported it and which did not.



A letter to Representative Gallagher from New Jersey Secretary of Agriculture expressing concern about certain provisions of the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act that may preempt state authority, especially concerning weights and measures. Includes Representative Gallagher's response.

In a statement before the Committee on Rules, Representative Harley O. Staggers (D-WV) explains the provisions in H. R. 15440 that regulate fair labelling standards for goods.

In a portion of a draft speech, Representative Harley O. Staggers (D-WV) refers to his bill, H.R. 15440, as the "Housewives' Bill" and explains the impact it will have on women consumers.

This conference report submitted by Representative Harley O. Staggers describes the changes made to the original piece of legislation during the House and Senate conference committee and includes signatures from the members of the conference.

President Lyndon B. Johnson writes to Representative Harley O. Staggers (D-WV) to congratulate him on the passage of the truth-in-packaging legislation and coments that the 89th Congress has earned "the right to be called the Consumer Congress".

Draft form letter from the Gallagher office with handwritten annotations concerning correspondence about the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act.

These campaign materials highlight Senator Abraham Ribicoff's (D-CT) involvement in legislation related to fair packaging and labeling, traffic safety, and child safety, and place these activities in the context of other legislation related to consumer protection in the 1960s.