Comprehensive Sexual Health Education

Informational Presentation to the Board of Education on Recommended Secondary Health Curriculum | Presentación informativa del Consejo de Educación Sobre el Currículo de Salud Secundaria Recomendado

CHYA Awareness Informational Presentation | Presentación Informativa de Concienciación Sobre CHYA

CHYA Adopted Curriculum - English

Plan de estudios adoptado por CHYA - Español

CHYA Awareness Informational Presentation - English

Ley de Juventud Saludable de California (2016) Vision general

CHYA Question Form | Formulario de Preguntas Sobre CHYA

If you have any questions regarding Orange Unified's implementation of the California Healthy Youth Act, please submit your questions to the form by clicking on the button below.

Curriculum Review Committee | Comite de Revisión del Curriculo

The Comprehensive Sexual Health Education Curriculum Review Committee (CRC) was comprised of:


Selected representatives attended all CRC meetings and reviewed all Adolescent Sexual Health Working Group (ASHWG) recommended middle school comprehensive sexual health education curricula utilizing a rubric. The meeting minutes from each session are posted below.

Meeting Minutes

Overview of Positive Prevention Plus - Middle School | Descripción General de Prevención Positiva Plus- Escuela Secundarias

Positive Prevention Plus (2018) Board approved, July 22, 2021


Overview of Online APEX Health Curriculum-High School | Descripción General del Plan de Estudios de Salud APEX en linea - Preparatorias

Apex Learning Health Extended (2019) Board approved, July 22, 2021

This linked course outline is an overview of the 6 units within the Apex Online Health curriculum. In addition, specific activities for each unit are listed. Activities highlighted in yellow, will not be part of the curriculum for "opt-out" students.

Apex Online Health Sample Activities

Unit 1 - Mental & Emotional Health

Unit 2 - Fitness & Nutrition

Unit 3 - Drugs

Unit 4 - Disease

Unit 5 - Injuries

Unit 6 - Sexual Health

Health Framework & CHYA Resources | Plan Estatal de Salud y Recursos de CHYA

Please see below for a link to the current Health Education Framework.

The California Department of Education (CDE), Instructional Quality Commission (IQC), and State Board of Education (SBE) are currently in the process of revising the 2019 Health Education Curriculum Framework for California Public Schools, Transitional Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (Health Education Framework), which is scheduled for adoption by the SBE in May 2019.

Parent Notification Letter (Containing Opt-Out Information for Families) | Carta de Notificación Para los Padres (Con información de Exclusión Voluntaria Para Familias)

CHYA Parent Notification Letter - English | Español
(Full opt-out information is included in this letter.)

OUSD CHYA Implementation Fact Sheet | Hoja Informativas de la Implementación de CHYA en OUSD


OUSD CHYA Implementation Awareness Presentations | El conocimiento de las Presentaciones Sobre la Implementación de CHYA

For more information on the recommendations for OUSD implementation, please refer to this Informational Presentation.

Parent Advisory Meeting Dates

Elementary School Site